Monday, October 10, 2011

We've been Uber Busy!!!

I know that it has been a looooong time since our last post, but we have been very busy!

Here are some quick updates:

David started school on August 23 (same day Rachael went back to teaching at BDJH) and is doing pretty good (at least in our opinion!).  He can count to 20, knows his alphabet and can write them all, can write his first & last name correctly (first letter capitalized and the rest lower case), can identify shapes & colors and is starting to recognize some of the basic 'sight words' he is learning in school.  He is becoming more verbal (at least with us) and has gained weight and is getting tall! 

Michael stays home with Chris during the day and likes watching TV with Daddy (Sid the Science Kid, Word World & Dinosaur Train are some of his favs).  He gets to go with Daddy while taking David to school and picking him up in the afternoon, as well as any errands Daddy does during the day.  He is also more verbal and has gained weight (but hasn't gotten much taller).

They both like playing with their cars, blocks and 'reading' books, as well as tormenting Sheba.  They are very typical boys! 

We are still having some adjustments with following directions & answering/responding to questions, but even that is getting better.

We had our 6 month social worker visit and it went really well!  She was really impressed with how well the boys are doing (and how well we are doing as parents!).  The boys were able to answer her questions (what they weren't able to verbalize, they acted out or got the items: favorite toy, what did you have for breakfast, etc) since she had to have personal interviews with all four of us!  Our next visit will be in February, 2012 (the one year visit) then one a year for the next 2-3 years. 

Michael had his first ever dentist appointment in September and it went well.  David had one, but it didn't go as well.  He has another one scheduled for tomorrow with a different office.  Hopefully this one will go well and we can get his teeth checked. (He fought them when trying to get x-rays, and when they suggested that we take him someplace that can 'work with him', otherwise known as sedating him, to get the x-rays and bring him back to that office for any work needed, we said :No.  We will not be back with the boys!)

Their 6 month Adoption Check-Up is scheduled for later this month.  They will have more blood work done (to check and see if everything is still normal) as well as a standard visit with the doctor at Texas Children's.  If all goes well (good test results), they will be 'released' to a regular pediatrician.  We haven't found one yet, but thankfully they haven't been sick!  Praise God that they are healthy!

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