Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Visit to the Houston Zoo

Monday, June 20, 2011 we took the boys to the Houston Zoo for the first time.  Our friend Stacey and her son Aaric went with us.  We decided to buy a Family Membership (good for both adults and up to 3 children) for the year (expires June 30, 2012). 

Here are some pictures from our day:

Starting off bright and early

Which one is the Monkey??

Looking through the spyglass to see the chimps

Getting some help from Daddy to see the chimps

Checking out the giraffes

We like this giraffe because we can climb on it!

Checking out the otters in the water

Each goat gets a brushing from Michael

David is chilling while brushing a goat

Enjoying the playground in the kid's area

Relaxing and taking a snack break

Watching the monkey in the swimming pool

Our little Monkeys!!

Watching the caiman in the Reptile House

Not so sure about the Albino American Alligator....

What's this Mama?

Sleeping on the way home after a really fun day at the zoo!

Sleeping on the way home after a really fun day at the zoo!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great day. We love the zoo and can't wait to bring Abby home so we can get our season pass and take her. I think we will wait until it is cooler though.

    Thanks for the money saving information! I love the idea of the baseball card holder to sort and see easily.

    God Bless!

  2. We don't go enought to justify the season pass even though it isn't that expensive. Too hot and not enough free time to go often.
