Since we arrived in Moscow on Sunday, it has snowed on and off. It was snowing when we left the airport and headed to our hotel for the night. It was snowing as we took off from Moscow to Archangelsk. It was snowing when we drove from the airport to our hotel. It was snowing when we went to sign for the birth certificates and adoption certificates. It was snowing harder when we went to get the boys' tickets to Moscow. It was snowing when we went for a walk this morning.
It only seems to snow when we are leaving the hotel or going to a hotel. Must be the coats, hats & gloves we brought with us. Right now it is bright and sunny. If we leave to go on a walk, it will probably start snowing again. What to do???
Anyway, yesterday we signed the papers to get the boys' birth certificates and adoption certificates. We don't have any of the papers in our possession right now, as they were taken to the passport office to apply for the boys' passports.
Today is a waiting day. We are really tired of just sitting around and waiting! Especially when we can't find anything really good on television to watch. We have watched the same episodes of America's Next Top Model so many times we are starting to recognize the Russian translation!
We did watch Tremors on the computer last night. Rachael stuck the 4-pack of the Tremors movies in her bag along with Cars (that one is for the boys to watch) before we left home, just in case we got extremely bored. Watching it on a small screen was a different experience, but it was nice to cuddle on the twin bed and watch a movie we could actually understand! Popcorn would have made it better....
Tomorrow we are supposed to get our boys! We don't know what time they will be brought to us, but we are so ready! Or at least as ready as we can be at this time. We are also moving to a bigger room (a suite we think). We don't know when that will happen; we are hoping to move rooms before the boys arrive as it would be an easier transition for all of us. We also think that the Italian place (Uno Momento) that we have been frequenting for dinner has a kids menu. That should come in handy. Hopefully it also has English like the regular menu.
Well, Rachael's backside is starting to hurt (the plug is not near the desk) so that is all for now. We will try to update when we can and will post pictures when we get our boys home.
Please continue to pray for us during this transition time: for us, our boys, the workers we will deal with, the officials (both Russian and American) that we will deal with.
Four seasons vegetables
In your school and community food skills classes aim to include recipes and
activities that allow your students or participants to know...
how to choose a...
11 years ago
Your family is in my prayers during this transition!