Monday, January 12, 2009

Still working on stuff

Gave out the reference letters at church yesterday. We didn't think it would be so hard to think of people to ask, but it was harder than we thought. Only a few more things to go and all the paperwork will be in: credit reports, pictures of the house (need to mow the lawn first) and the questionaires. Those seem to be the tough ones to write. We knew that they would ask personal questions, we just didn't expect the level of depth they would ask. Sometimes it is easier to talk about all kinds of personal things than to put it in writing. Everything should be sent out by the end of the month, then we get to wait. And wait. And wait.


  1. I can't even imagine how hard the process is - but just knowing that this is right where God want's you is such an encouragement. I will continue to pray as you now play the waiting game!
