Saturday, June 9, 2012

David's Kindergarten Graduation

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 was the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremonies at Stephen F. Austin Elementary School.

David's class was 2nd in line and he did really well!  We are so proud of him!

Waiting for the kiddos to walk across the stage.

When we got there (30 minutes early), there weren't any seats left,
so Michael entertained himself on the portable basketball goal post.

The Principal of the school speaking at the beginning.

Now that they are all done, they sang to us.

See, I did it!!

David with his teacher, Mrs. Mahar.


  1. Found you guys through another blog. When were you at the Kotlas Baby Home...our son was there from Jan - Nov 2010...we are looking for someone who might have pics of him before we met him. He had been moved to Arkangelsk in Dec 2010, because he turned 3...we met him in Feb 2011. Please contact me live in Texas also..Hughes Springs (northeast Texas)....
