Friday, March 2, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day hasn't really been a big day or holiday for the Larkins household, but this year things changed a bit.  Now that David is in school, there are certain activities that we have to be a part of.  One of those is Valentine's Day.

About a week before Valentine's Day, a note was sent home to let us know that there would be a box decorating contest and card exchange at school on February 14. 

David chose the Avengers cards.

David was to write all of his classmates names on the cards he wanted to pass out, as well as his name.  We were told to allow several days for him to accomplish this.  He and Rachael sat down and within an hour got all the cards signed and labeled. 

As far as a box, he could have parental help and Chris helped him with it.

The instructions regarding the cards specified 'no candy, etc' to be given out with the cards.

Yeah, right.  Apparently we are one of the few parents that actually followed the instructions, since we didn't attach candy to his cards.

Anyway, he had a good time at school with all of this.  Don't think he won the box decorating contest since he didn't say anything about it.  He liked his box and that is what we wanted.

David's box

The cards & candy from his classmates

Looking forward to next year.........

1 comment:

  1. Charlie's class made Lincoln stovepipe hats for their Valentine collection boxes. The story is that Abraham Lincoln kept forgetting things so he'd put important papers inside his hat for safekeeping. Voila! Yeah and don't get me started on the whole candy thing. Charlie picked out the valentines with pencils this year. Tangled for girls and Cars 2 for boys.
