Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

This year was our very first official Mother's Day!
It was a good day for all ( Chris, the boys and Rachael).

The day started with me waking up to Michael crying.  Apparently he was upset because David's stuffed dog (Sheba) was not covered by the blanket.

Chris went to get donuts and kolaches for breakfast while I got the boys ready for the day.

We all had a good morning at church where the boys made Mother's Day cards for me.

Chris surprised me with roses and a beautiful figurine from the boys.  When he took them shopping, he let them pick it out.  They picked out the one of the mother with 2 boys (about the age/size our our precious little boys). 

It is a Willow Tree figurine by Susan Lordi titled
"Quietly (Quietly encircled by love)".

After lunch, we all went back home where the boys had their rest time and I did stuff around the house.  Chris went to his mom's house to take her Mother's Day card and had a good visit with her and Dave.

After Chris got home, we all went out to dinner then did some shopping for school.  My students have started their cooking labs and I had a purchase order to use. 

All in all, a good first Mother's Day.
(Of course it would have been nice to get a nap, but apparently Mamas don't get to take naps on Sundays anymore)


  1. Sounds wonderful. Can't wait for my first monther's day. Still waiting for our travel dates. Last two weeks were holidays in Russia so pray that we receive word this week.

    God Bless,
    Ann (and Brian)

  2. Happy first Mother's Day!! I'm so glad it was a good one for you! :) I love Willow Tree figurines, and I love that the boys picked it out! It's perfect!
