Friday, September 24, 2010

Great Day!!!

Chris and I both took Wednesday off to get Adoption Stuff done and had a really long but great day!

*Dropped off Russian Visa applications in the morning (took about 15 minutes) without any problems.  Our passports will be ready to pick up Monday afternoon.

*Had breakfast with friends and got to spend some wonderful time with them.

*Bought really cute fabric to make blankets for our boys. {See below}

*Stopped by the church to get papers signed, witnessed and notarized.

*Added items to our Wal-Mart Baby Registry.

*Bought mattresses for the boys' beds.

*Got a phone call from the Officer that processed (and APPROVED) our Immigration Papers!!!  They are on their way to us as of Wednesday morning!

Very busy day, but so worth it!

This is the fabric that will be the blanket for David:  

This is the fabric that will be the blanket for Michael:

Please continue to keep us and the boys in your prayers during this time.  We will be traveling soon and it will be a long and exhausting trip (physically & emotionally) for both of us. 

So far we are current on the paperwork.  I plan to start working on the Dossier Part 2 next week.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm glad to see that it's all coming together! The fabric is super cute! :)
