We got an email today telling us that we have one more paper to update! That's what we were afraid of. It is a Medical Form (4 yes/no type questions), so it isn't that bad. We won't need any blood work or testing done, just need to get the doctor to fill it out, sign it and send it in. It's on my list of things to do tomorrow.
As far as the social worker, I spoke with the lady who supervises the Home Study social workers about the situation and feel much better! Lack of communication can be a horrible thing! We did have to submit a Grief & Loss paper (new thing added to Home Studies for Russia). Of course I cried, read Chris what I wrote, cried some more, typed what Chris dictated, tried not to cry some more and sent it off to Pat & Kristen. Talk about stirring emotions...
Hopefully the Update will be finished soon and we can continue going forward.
Please continue praying for us during this time.
School is almost over for the year (last day with the kiddos is Thursday, June 3!).
Four seasons vegetables
In your school and community food skills classes aim to include recipes and
activities that allow your students or participants to know...
how to choose a...
11 years ago
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