Chris and I met with a psychologist yesterday morning for our "Psychological Evaluation" that is required by Russia. We each spent 1 hour talking with him while the other was working on 3 different tests/written questionnaires. We stayed an extra hour to finish the paperwork so that it would all be done. Last night, we completed an on-line Parenting Inventory and sent the results out in today's mail. Now we just get to wait for him to write up his report, score the tests and let us know the results. We are becoming quite good at waiting...
This afternoon we met with our family physician and went over the "Family's Opinion of Possible Acceptance of Child with Minor or Correctable Medical Needs". We did make some changes after talking with him and listened to his recommendations. He did agree to most of what we had originally put down, which didn't surprise us.
We each have one book finished and report written (The Connected Child by Dr. Karen Purvis). I am still about half-way through the second book (Adopting the Older Child by Claudia Jewett). Chris will read it after I am done. Then only one book left to read and report on: Raising Adopted Children by Lois Ruskai Melina.
Once we finish the books, we can send in the papers (after keeping a copy for our records) and our part of the Home Study will be done! I hope to have it done within the next two weeks, but Chris' deadline is the end of July. Once all the papers are in, we just wait for the 'Official Approval to Adopt from Russia'.
Please continue to pray for our children and their current caregivers.
Four seasons vegetables
In your school and community food skills classes aim to include recipes and
activities that allow your students or participants to know...
how to choose a...
11 years ago